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Pediatric Eye Care

Pediatric Eye Exams at Community Eye Care Specialists

As children’s eyes continue to develop, they are susceptible to many eye conditions that can affect their vision. The dedicated team at Community Eye Care Specialists is committed to supporting healthy visual development in children through thorough diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.

What to Expect at a Pediatric Eye Exam

During your child’s pediatric eye exam at Community Eye Care Specialists, they will undergo various examinations and tests designed to detect vision issues common in children. Children have unique needs, so we prioritize compassionate care, comfort, and efficiency at our pediatric eye exams.

Depending on your child’s age and symptoms, their eye doctor may test for:

Common Eye Conditions in Children

At Community Eye Care Specialists, our pediatric eye doctors are experts in diagnosing and treating eye conditions that affect children, such as:


Strabismus, which may occur in one or both eyes, is commonly known as crossed eyes. Problems with the neuromuscular control of the eye or a family history of strabismus can lead to misaligned eyes.

Depending on the severity of strabismus, their eye doctor may recommend glasses, prism lenses, vision therapy, or patching their stronger eye to strengthen the weaker one.


Amblyopia, often called “lazy eye,” is when one eye has poor vision, progressively worsening vision in the weaker eye. It can develop from strabismus, structural issues, or a significant difference in prescription between the eyes.

Treatment options may include glasses, patching the stronger eye, or special eye drops that blur the vision of the stronger eye and vision therapy.

Refractive Errors

If your child is nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatic, their eye doctor may prescribe glasses or contacts to correct their vision. Myopia, or nearsightedness, has become increasingly common in children due to prolonged screen usage, so you may be able to help slow its progression by monitoring and limiting screen time.

When Does My Child Need a Pediatric Eye Exam?

If your child is complaining of blurry or double vision or experiencing frequent headaches, schedule a pediatric eye exam with their eye doctor at Community Eye Care Specialists to ensure any vision issues are detected early and treated as soon as possible. Because children may not always realize or communicate vision problems, you should watch for the following potential signs:

Even if your child isn’t displaying these symptoms, you should periodically schedule screenings and eye exams. The American Academy of Opthalmology provides these guidelines based on your child’s age:



Blinking and pupil responsiveness, as well as a “red reflex” test, should be checked by your child’s doctor when they are a newborn. If they are premature, have a family history of childhood eye conditions, or are displaying signs of an eye condition, they should undergo a comprehensive pediatric eye exam.

6-12 Months

Once your child is 6-12 months old, they should undergo another screening by their pediatrician, with the same tests they received as a newborn, as well as an examination of eye movement and alignment.

1-3 Years

At 1-3 years, your child should be screened by their pediatrician for healthy eye development. This includes a photoscreening test to detect any evidence of an eye condition.

3-5 Years

Your child should attend an appointment with their eye doctor to test their visual acuity when they are between 3 and 5 years old. They should receive further testing if their visual acuity test shows signs of an eye condition.

5 Years and Older

Children 5 years and older should undergo visual acuity testing and an eye alignment examination. If your child is diagnosed with a refractive error and prescribed glasses or contacts, they should attend pediatric eye exams yearly to ensure their prescription is up-to-date.

Is it time for your child’s pediatric eye exam? Schedule an appointment today at Community Eye Care Specialists in one of our convenient locations in NY or PA today!

Pediatric Eye Care Doctors

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To learn more about what to expect at your child's pediatric eye exam or to schedule an appointment, contact Community Eye Care Specialists today!
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